Versions Compared


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This article helps debug issues with various Checkmk special agents.


  1. The first step would be to find the complete command of the Kubernetes special agent.
    1. The command can be found under "Type of agent >> Program." It will consist of multiple parameters depending on how the datasource program rule has been configured. 

      Code Block
      OMD[mysite]:~$ cmk -D k8s | more
      Addresses: No IP
      Tags: [address_family:no-ip], [agent:special-agents], [criticality:prod], [networking:lan],
      [piggyback:auto-piggyback], [site:a21], [snmp_ds:no-snmp], [tcp:tcp]
      Labels: [cmk/kubernetes/cluster:at], [cmk/kubernetes/object:cluster], [cmk/site:k8s]
      Host groups: check_mk
      Contact groups: all
      Agent mode: No Checkmk agent, all configured special agents
      Type of agent: 
      Program: /omd/sites/mysite/share/check_mk/agents/special/agent_kube '--cluster' 'k8s' '--token' 'xyz' '--monitored-objects' 'deployments' 'daemonsets' 'statefulsets' 'nodes' 'pods' '--api-server-endpoint' 'https://<YOUR-IP>:6443' '--api-server-proxy' 'FROM_ENVIRONMENT' '--cluster-collector-endpoint' 'https://<YOUR-ENDPOINT>:30035' '--cluster-collector-proxy' 'FROM_ENVIRONMENT'
      Process piggyback data from /omd/sites/mysite/tmp/check_mk/piggyback/k8s


      An easier way would be this command: /bin/sh -c "$(cmk -D k8s | grep -A1 "^Type of agent:" | grep "Program:" | cut -f2- -d':')"

      Please note that if a line matching "^Type of agent:" followed by a line matching "^  Program:" exists more than once, the output might be messed up.


    2. The special agent has the below options available for debugging purposes:

      Code Block
      OMD[mysite]:~$ /omd/sites/mysite/share/check_mk/agents/special/agent_kube -h
      --debug                     Debug mode: raise Python exceptions
      -v / --verbose 				Verbose mode (for even more output use -vvv)
      --vcrtrace FILENAME         Enables VCR tracing for the API calls


    3. Now, you can modify the above  command of the Kubernetes special agent like this:

      Code Block
      OMD[mysite]:~$ /omd/sites/mysite/share/check_mk/agents/special/agent_kube  \
      '--cluster' 'at' \
      '--token' 'xyz' \
      '--monitored-objects' 'deployments' 'daemonsets' 'statefulsets' 'nodes' 'pods' \
      '--api-server-endpoint' 'https://<YOUR-IP>:6443' \
      '--api-server-proxy' 'FROM_ENVIRONMENT' \
      '--cluster-collector-endpoint' 'https://<YOUR-ENDPOINT>:30035' \
      '--cluster-collector-proxy' 'FROM_ENVIRONMENT' \
      --debug -vvv --vcrtrace ~/tmp/vcrtrace.txt > ~/tmp/k8s_with_debug.txt 2>&1

      Here, you can also reduce the number of '--monitored-objects' to a few resources to get less output. 

    4. Run the special agent with no debug options to create an agent output, or you could download it from the cluster host via the Checkmk web interface. 

      Code Block
      /omd/sites/mysite/share/check_mk/agents/special/agent_kube '--cluster' 'at' '--token' 'xyz' '--monitored
      -objects' 'deployments' 'daemonsets' 'statefulsets' 'nodes' 'pods' '--api-server-endpoint' 'https://<YOUR-IP>:6443' '--api-server-proxy' 'FROM_ENVIRONMENT' '--cluster-collector-endpoint' 'https://<YOUR-ENDPOINT>:30035' '--cluster-collector-proxy' 'FROM_ENVIRONMENT' > ~/tmp/k8s_agent_output.txt 2>&1


  2. Please upload the following files to the support ticket.


  • Context: the Kubernetes special agent is slightly unconventional relative to other Special agents as it handles up to three different datasources (the API, the cluster collector container metrics, and the cluster collector node metrics)
    • the connection to the Kubernetes API server is mandatory, while the connection to the others is optional (and decided through the configured Datasource rule)
      • Failure to connect to the Kubernetes API server will be shown by the Checkmk service (as usual) → the agent crashes
      • Failure to connect to the cluster collector will be highlighted in the Cluster Collector service → the error is not raised by the agent in production
        • the error is only raised when executing the agent with the --debug flag

  • Version: We only support the latest three Kubernetes versions (,9%20months%20of%20patch%20support.Kubernetes Release History)
    • If a customer has the latest release and the release itself is quite new (less than one month), ask one of the devs if we already have support.

  • Kubernetes API connection error: If the agent fails to make a connection to the Kubernetes API (e.g., 401 Unauthorized to query api/v1/core/pods), then the output based on the --debug flag should be sufficient
    • common causes:
      • service account was not configured correctly in the Kubernetes cluster 
      • wrong token configured
      • Forgot to upload the ca.crt in the Global settings >> Trusted certificate authorities for SSL  but --verify-cert-api is enabled.
      • Wrong IP or Port
      • Proxy is not configured in the datasource rule.

  • Checkmk Cluster  Collector connection error:
    • Common causes:
      • The cluster collector is not exposed via either NodePort or Ingress.
      • The essential resources like pods, deployments, daemon-sets, replicas, etc., are not running or frequently restarting.
      • A firewall or a security group blocks the cluster collector IP. 
      • Port/IP incorrect.
      • Forgot to upload the ca.crt in the Global settings >> Trusted certificate authorities for SSL  but --verify-cert-api is enabled.
      • Proxy is not configured in the datasource rule.

  • API processing error: If the agent reports a bug similar to "value ... was not set, " the user should be asked for the vcrtrace file.


  1. Example with Special Agent of storeonce4x

    1. Find out the detailed special agent command (Type of agent column)

      Code Block
      OMD[mysite]:~$ cmk -D hostname


      an easier way would be this command: /bin/sh -c "$(cmk -D k8s | grep -A1 "^Type of agent:" | grep "Program:" | cut -f2 -d':')"

      Please note that if a line matching "^Type of agent:" followed by a line matching "^  Program:" exists more than once, then the output might be messed up.


    2. Check if there are some options for debugging

      Code Block
      OMD[mysite]:~$ ~/share/check_mk/agents/special/agent_storeonce4x -h

      There are three options for debugging the request:

      Code Block
      --debug, -d           Enable debug mode (keep some exceptions unhandled)
      --verbose, -v
      --vcrtrace TRACEFILE, --tracefile TRACEFILE
                                  If this flag is set to a TRACEFILE that does not exist yet, it will be created and
                                  all requests the program sends and their corresponding answers will be recorded in said file.
                                  If the file already exists, no requests are sent to the server, but the responses will be
                                  replayed from the tracefile. 


    3. Modify the special agent command by adding these three options

      Code Block
      OMD[mysite]:~$ ~/share/check_mk/agents/special/agent_storeonce4x <OTHER ARGUMENTS> --debug -v --vcrtrace ~/tmp/vcrtrace.txt 2>1 ~/tmp/storeonce4x_with_debug.txt


    4. Run the special agent with no debug options to create an agent output. With this file, we can reproduce your issue

      Code Block
      OMD[mysite]:~$ /omd/sites/mysite/share/check_mk/agents/special/agent_kube <OTHER ARGUMENTS> > ~/tmp/k8s_agent_output.txt

  2. Rename the token file

    The storeonce4x special agent is using username/password for authentication. After the successful login, we obtain the access token. The access token is used for future REST requests.

    If you want to read more, you can check this out:

    1. We save the token file inside the site in

      Code Block


    2. Rename the file to _oAuthToken.json.back

      Code Block
      OMD[mysite]~# mv ~/tmp/check_mk/special_agents/agent_storeonce4x/<hostname>_oAuthToken.json ~/tmp/check_mk/special_agents/agent_storeonce4x/<hostname>_oAuthToken.json.back


    3. Run the special agent again


  1. Example with Special Agent of vSphere
    1. Find out the detailed special agent command

      Code Block
      OMD[mysite]:~$ cmk -D <vcenter-host> | more
      Addresses: x.x.x.x
      Tags: [add_ip_addresses:add_ip_addresses_1], [address_family:ip-v4-only], [agent:special-agents], [criticality:prod], 
      [ip-v4:ip-v4], [networking:lan], [piggyback:auto-piggyback], [site:nagnis_master], [snmp_ds:no-snmp], [tcp:tcp]
      Labels: [cmk/vsphere_object:vm]
      Host groups: check_mk
      Contact groups: all
      Agent mode: No Checkmk agent, all configured special agents
      Type of agent: 
      Program: /omd/sites/mysite/share/check_mk/agents/special/agent_vsphere -u 'user' -s 'password' -i hos
      tsystem,virtualmachine,datastore,counters,licenses -P --spaces cut --snapshot_display vCenter --no-cert-check 'x.x.x.x'
      Process piggyback data from /omd/sites/mysite/tmp/check_mk/piggyback/vcenter
      checktype item params


      An easier way would be this command: /bin/sh -c "$(cmk -D vcenter | grep -A1 "^Type of agent:" | grep "^ Program:" | cut -f2 -d':')"

      Please note that if a line matching "^Type of agent:" followed by a line matching "^  Program:" exists more than once, the output might be messed up.


    2. Check if there are options for debugging.

      Code Block
      OMD[mysite]:~$ /omd/sites/mysite/share/check_mk/agents/special/agent_vsphere -h

      There are two options for debugging the request.

      Code Block
      --debug                       Debug mode: let Python exceptions come through
      --tracefile FILENAME          Log all outgoing and incoming data into the given tracefile


    3. Modify the special agent command by adding these two options

      Code Block
      OMD[mysite]:~$ /omd/sites/mysite/share/check_mk/agents/special/agent_vsphere  -u 'user' -s 'password' --debug --tracefile $OMD_ROOT/tmp/vcenter.out -i hostsystem,virtualmachine,datastore,counters,licenses -P --spaces cut --no-cert-check '$HOST_ADDRESS' > $OMD_ROOT/tmp/vcenter.debug

      In CMK 1.6.0, you might find the option "--snapshot_display vCenter" in your CMK -D output. If that's the case, you can include this parameter.


    4. Run the special agent with no debug options to create an agent output. With this file, we can reproduce your issue.

      Code Block
      root@linux~# /omd/sites/mysite/share/check_mk/agents/special/agent_vsphere -u 'user' -s 'password' -i hostsystem,virtualmachine,datastore,counters,licenses -P --spaces cut --no-cert-check 'x.x.x.x' >/~tmp/agent.output


  2. Please send us all three files. Now we're able to investigate further.


    ~/tmp/vcenter.debug      # Debug Output
    ~/tmp/vcenter.out        # Tracefile
    /~tmp/agent.output       # Agent Output
