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The customer is experiencing difficulties resolving the constant downtime for a specific host. The issue involves a situation where the downtime was initiated without an associated end time.

Screenshot of Host last check was 48 minutes ago


  1. Check the downtimes for both services and hosts:
    Screenshot of Display rules for recurring downtimes for services
    Screenshot of Display rules for recurring downtimes for hosts
  2. If no relevant information is discovered, the next step would involve executing a Livestatus query to retrieve all existing downtimes. 

    Code Block
    lq "GET downtimes\nColumns: downtime_author downtime_comment downtime_duration downtime_end_time downtime_entry_time downtime_fixed downtime_id downtime_is_service downtime_origin downtime_recurring downtime_start_time host_has_been_checked host_labels host_name host_scheduled_downtime_depth host_state service_description service_has_been_checked service_state"



  3. If nothing is still found, it is recommended to investigate the history file located in the ~/var/check_mk/core, explicitly searching for the summary information. In this particular scenario, the summary to search for is 'DT2'. 

    Code Block
    OMD[mysite]~$ grep -rl <DOWNTIMESUMMARY> ~/var/check_mk/core/history 

    Code Block
    OMD[mysite]:-/var/check_ mk/core$ grep -r DT2
    history:[1684243614] EXTERNAL COMMAND: SCHEDULE HOST_ DOWNTIME;localhost2;1684243614:1684243734;1;0;0;cmkadmin;DT2
    history:[1684243614] HOST DOHNTIME ALERT: localhost2;STARTED;DT2
    OMD[mysite]:~ /var/check_mk/core$


  4. If the history file is large, reviewing the files in ~/var/check_mk/core/archive can also be helpful. These history files contain Unix timestamps that can help with troubleshooting. 

    Code Block
    OMD[mysite]~$ grep -rl <DOWNTIMESUMMARY> ~/var/check_mk/core/archive/*
