Communication Server <-> Agent
- Default
Checkmk Server triggers Checkmk Agent on Port 6556
An agent reads no data from the network — full stop. Consequently it is quite impossible that an attacker could sneak any type of command or script element over the monitoring port 6556
- SNMP v1/v2/v3
- Secure
- Encrypt the agent output → https://docs.checkmk.com/latest/en/agent_linux.html#encryption
- Restrict of access over IP-addresses (https://docs.checkmk.com/latest/en/agent_linux.html#security)
- Can be solved with xinetd and systemd
- Invoke over ssh https://docs.checkmk.com/latest/en/agent_linux.html#ssh
- Push the data from agent to server. (https://docs.checkmk.com/latest/en/datasource_programs.html)
- Default