Status |
colour | Green |
title | LAST TESTED ON CHECKMK 2.1.0P1 |
The Checkmk GUI can be customized easily by each user to fit their personal needs. Here are some examples:
- The start page
- The number of columns
- The row limit
- The Sidebar snapins
- The time format
How to set Defaults?
It might be useful to define your own defaults for some of these settings so a new user doesn't have to change everything on his own.
The views for which you already explicitly have set the Time stamp format will not be changed because the settings in your personal config files below ~/var/check_mk/web/<username> are overriding the default settings.
In the case of the sidebar snapins, the file ~/lib/python3/cmk/gui/plugins/config/base.py doesn't help us because the variable "sidebar" that is set there seems to have a new data structure. You can find out this structure by explicitly configuring your sidebar in the GUI and then checking out the file ~/var/check_mk/web/<your_username>/sidebar.mk. The structure you find there can be used in ~/local/share/check_mk/web/plugins/config/my_base.py:
Code Block |
language | bash |
theme | RDark |
title | ~/local/share/check_mk/web/plugins/config/my_base.py |
# Newly create users should get these sidebar snapins:
sidebar = [
'snapin_type_id': 'tactical_overview',
'visibility': 'open'
'snapin_type_id': 'bookmarks',
'visibility': 'open'
'snapin_type_id': 'views',
'visibility': 'closed'
'snapin_type_id': 'search',
'visibility': 'closed'
'snapin_type_id': 'time',
'visibility': 'closed'
] |
Sometimes it's hard to work out the possible values of a setting. In that case, applying the setting in the GUI and then doing a "grep" in ~/var/check_mk/web might be helpful:
Code Block |
OMD[mysite]:~$ grep -r ts_format ~/var/check_mk/web/
/omd/sites/mysite/var/check_mk/web/cmkadmin/viewoptions.mk:{'svcproblems': {'ts_date': '%Y-%m-%d', 'ts_format': 'abs'}} |
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Filter by label (Content by label) |
showLabels | false |
max | 5 |
spaces | KB |
showSpace | false |
sort | modified |
reverse | true |
type | page |
cql | label in ("kb-how-to-article","howto") and type = "page" and space = "KB" |
labels | kb-how-to-article |