- WATO - CONFIGURATION → Host & Service Parameters → Active checks → Check Email Delivery
- Check Email Delivery
- Name: The service description will be Mail Loop plus this name
- Subject: Here you can specify the subject text instead of default text 'Check_MK-Mail-Loop'.
- SMTP Server: You can specify a hostname or IP address different from the IP address of the host this check will be assigned to.
- Use TLS over SMTP: Encrypt SMTP communication using TLS
- Use TLS for IMAP authentication: IMAP authentification uses TLS
- SMTP TCP Port to connect to: The TCP Port the SMTP server is listening on. Defaulting to 25.
SMTP Authentication: Your credentials for the SMTP Server
Info - Mail Receiving
- IMAP/POP3: Chose whether you want to use IMAP or POP3
- IMAP Server: You can specify a hostname or IP address different from the IP address of the host this check will be assigned to.
- SSL Encryption: Encrypt IMAP communication using TLS
- Authentication: Your credentials for the IMAP Server
- IMAP/POP3: Chose whether you want to use IMAP or POP3
- From: email address
Destination: email address
- Connect Timeout: Timeout in seconds for network connects (defaults to 10)
- Loop duration: Loop duration of the most recent mail in seconds or the average of all received mails within a single check to raise a WARNING/CRITICAL state
Delete processed messages: Delete all messages identified as being related to this check plugin. This is disabled by default, which might make your mailbox grow when you not clean it up manually.
Execute active Check manually
or debugging reasons it could be useful to run the check manually. Therefore, you need to open the service site of the E-Mail service and search for 'Service check command'. Now you can use the command for executing the check manually
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