Nginx stub status module
Make sure that the server process is configured with the stub status module. Use the command:
Code Block linenumbers true root@klappanas:~# nginx -V 2>&1 | grep -o with-http_stub_status_module with-http_stub_status_module
If stub status module is not installed, you can follow this guide for the installation: https://www.tecmint.com/enable-nginx-status-page/
Add a new server block configuration inside /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
Code Block title /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default linenumbers true server { listen 8081; listen [::]:8081; server_name _; root /var/www/html; index index.html; location /nginx_status { stub_status on; access_log off; allow; deny all; } }
restart nginx service
Code Block linenumbers true systemctl restart nginx
Now the Url should be available
Code Block linenumbers true wget -qO - Active connections: 1 server accepts handled requests 1 1 1 Reading: 0 Writing: 1 Waiting: 0
Configure nginx_status
you need to install the agent plugin nginx_status into your agent's plugins directory (usually /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/plugins). The plugin tries to autodetect all running NGINX servers. If that fails for some reason you need to create the configuration file /etc/check_mk/nginx_status.cfg. Here is one example:Code Block linenumbers true servers = [{'address': '', 'page': 'nginx_status', 'port': 8081, 'protocol': 'http'}]
via Bakery
WATO - CONFIGURATION → Monitoring Agents → Rules → NGINX webservers (Linux)Autodetect instances, expect HTTPS on the following ports: nginx_status will try autodetect all running NGINX servers.
Specific list of instances: You can specify NGINX instances
Test the plugin
Now you can execute the plugin manually and see if it works: