Info |
NetApps delivers incorrect traps which that contain filenames in UTF-8 format. If these traps contain umlauts, the strings are displayed in HEX instead of string format, which is not RFC compliant. |
Status |
colour | Green | title | LAST TESTED ON CHECKMK 2.2.0P1 | Blue |
title | Applicable to all Checkmk versions |
Panel |
borderColor | black |
bgColor | #f8f8f8 |
title | Table of Contents |
If the trap string contains only the elements equal to simple ASCII, the conversion is done without problems.
Code Block |
SNMPv2-MIB::sysUpTime.0: 1800758647, NETAPP-MIB::productTrapData.0: Possible virus detected. Vserver: DATAPORT_002_HH_NOR_B, vscan server IP:, file path: \ABC_002_HH_VOL3\ABC_002_HH_XYZ\ABC\TEST\intern\V_07_Tools\PDFCreator\PDFCreator-1_7_1_setup.exe, client IP:, SID: S-1-5-21-2000478354-764733703-1177238915-529645, vscan engine status: 222200008, vscan engine result string: The file was threatened and was successfully deleted.., NETAPP-MIB::productSerialNum.0: 1-80-1235404 |
Note |
In a nutshell: The MIB is wrong, so either request a correct one from the manufacturer, build one yourself, or patch the existing one. Annoying, but unfortunately, this happens more often... |
There are several things wrong in the MIB or with the device (depending on how you look at it); in any case, they do not fit together. From the RFC 1213 (https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1213.txtRFC1213) RFC-1213-MIB.txt:
Code Block |
DisplayString ::=
-- This data type is used to model textual information taken
-- from the NVT ASCII character set. By convention, objects
-- with this syntax are declared as having
-- SIZE (0..255) |
If the device can send long UTF-8 strings at this point, then there must be no "DisplayString" in the MIB, but something with a TEXTUAL-CONVENTION containing a DISPLAY-HINT of, e.g., "65535t".
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