This article details some aspects of timezones when working with several aspects of Checkmk.


Navigating timezones can pose challenges, particularly in the context of monitoring. This article aims to provide valuable insights and tips for effectively handling timezones in such scenarios.


In organizations spanning multiple timezones, it is crucial to consider the implications of timezone differences, especially in monitoring. Monitoring activities become particularly delicate in these situations, requiring a nuanced understanding whether events occurred simultaneously. This is especially crucial when conducting root cause analyses.


We recommend to use UTC, when dealing with various timezones. This ensures continuity and comparability of the date recorded.
In case your organization spreads only two or three timezones, and it is perceivable, that this will not change in the future, it can be sensible to use the headquarters' timezone in the other timezones as well.

However you decide, make sure to agree on one timezone, no matter which. And always make sure the time synchronization of your Checkmk servers works and is being monitored.

The following image demonstrates how timezone offsets would happen between UTC and other timezones. 

We are aware, that the current state of Checkmk is not ideal, when it comes to handling timezones. We are aware of this and working on improving the situation.

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