Bonding fails with VLAN configuration

Bonding fails with VLAN configuration

This problem only applies to Checkmk Appliance version 1.6.0 and below! If you are on 1.6.1 or above, this does not apply to you!


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When creating a bond in Advanced mode of the Network Settings and assigning a VLAN configuration, the bond will not come up after saving.


After applying the changes, you get presented with both the slaves, and the bond itself is down.

Screenshot of Networking interfaces. Two interfaces are members of bond0

Screenshot of bond0 state down. bond0.1 state lowerlayerdown


Upgrade to firmware 1.6.1 or above.

If you need a workaround right now, you can follow these steps:

  1. Log into the appliance as root.

  2. Restart the networking service:

    root@linux~# systemctl restart networking.service


  3. This will lead to a working configuration.
    Screenshot of Networking interfaces. Two interfaces are members of bond0
    Screenshot of bond0 state up. bond0.1 state up