Azure Special Agent

This page lists articles related to Azure Special agent


Table of Contents

Azure endpoints

If you're experiencing connectivity issues or receiving unexpected data, please ensure that your endpoints are available from the Checkmk server. Please review Microsoft's documentation for further information.

Checkmk versions 1.6 and below

If you want to execute the special agent from the command line, please run the following commands.

For Checkmk 1.6 and below
echo '{"secret": "xxxxxxxxx"}'|/omd/sites/mysite/share/check_mk/agents/special/agent_azure '--subscription' 'xxxxxxxxx' '--tenant' 'xxxxxxxxx' '--client' 'xxxxxxxxx' '--piggyback_vms' 'self' --debug -vvv  --vcrtrace /tmp/TRACEFILE

  • To enable debugging, you need the parameter "–debug"
  • To enable verbose output, you need the parameter "–vvv"

Checkmk Versions 2.0 and above

For Checkmk 2.0, 2.1 and 2.2
/omd/sites/mysite/share/check_mk/agents/special/agent_azure '--subscription' 'MYSUBSCRIPTIONKEY' '--tenant' 'MYTENANTKEY' '--client' 'MYCLIENTKEY' '--piggyback_vms' 'self' --debug -vvv  --vcrtrace /tmp/TRACEFILE

Display Azure Options

To view more Azure options, use the cmk -D azure combined with grep

OMD[mysite]:~$ cmk -D azure |grep -A2  "Type of agent"
Type of agent:          
  Program: /omd/sites/mysite/share/check_mk/agents/special/agent_azure --tenant MYTENANTKEY --client MYCLIENTKEY --secret MYSECRETKEY --subscription MYSUBSCRIPTIONKEY --piggyback_vms self --services users_count ad_connect app_registrations Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts Microsoft.Web/sites Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers Microsoft.Network/trafficmanagerprofiles Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways
  Program: /omd/sites/mysite/share/check_mk/agents/special/agent_azure_status australiacentral australiacentral2 australiaeast australiasoutheast brazilsouth brazilsoutheast canadacentral germanynorth germanywestcentral koreacentral westeurope