Troubleshooting Apache service not starting

Troubleshooting Apache service not starting


This article details how to troubleshoot apace not starting on a Checkmk server.


Table of Contents


We do not support any modification of our config files (e.g., apache, .profile, etc.). If you do that and the site is broken, you will run out of support, especially on the Checkmk Appliance.

We saw the bottom error several times, especially when dealing with check_sql.

Error Messages

Starting apache...apache2: Syntax error on line 236 of /omd/sites/mysite/etc/apache/apache.conf libpython3.9.so.1.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


The default for LD_LIBARY_PATH should be:


But for some reason, the .profile file of the site user seems to be broken, and after the restart of the site, you will face the following issue:

Starting apache...apache2: Syntax error on line 236 of /omd/sites/mysite/etc/apache/apache.conf: Syntax error on line 2 of /omd/sites/mysite/etc/apache/conf.d/01_wsgi.conf: Cannot load /omd/sites/mysite/lib/apache/modules/mod_wsgi.so into server: libpython3.9.so.1.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory ..........ERROR


  1. Check if the env is right

    In that case, the env is not correct. The env is pointing only to the libraries of the Oracle instantclient

  2. Check if the library is available.

    In that case, the library is only available in the origin and default path of LD_LIBRARY_PATH

  3. Restore the default variable

    You will find the original files of .profile or .bashrc in "/omd/versions/2.1.0b7.cee/skel"


    One way would be to copy the LD_LIBRARY_PATH value from .profile and put it directly to the .profile of the site user:

    To make the changes permanent, please enter:


  4. set the LD_LIBARY_PATH the right way

    extend the LD_LIBRARY_PATH like that ":path/to/oracle/instanclient"

    In the end, it should look like this:


  5. Now after a restart of the site Apache the error should be gone!

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