In the manual Error during the RRD conversion we try to collect and document some common issues during the conversion of pnp4nagios. As we can't document all the issues, we offer here a way to debug that.
XMLLINT parses xml files and can give you a detailed error.
Step-by-step guide
Install xmllint
apt -y install libxml2-util
run that for loop with xmllint and some debug as site user. This command will also write the result to a file called xmllint.log
OMD[mysite]:~$ for i in $(find ~/var/pnp4nagios/perfdata/ -name "*xml"); do echo "#####$i####"; xmllint --debug --format $i; echo "#####" ;done &> xmllint.log
with the parameter --noout xmllint will show you only the errors and not the whole structure of the xml files
OMD[mysite]:~$ for i in $(find ~/var/pnp4nagios/perfdata/ -name "*xml"); do echo "#####$i####"; xmllint --noout --debug --format $i; echo "#####" ;done &> xmllint_only_debug.log
- Check if we already provide a solution here:Error during the RRD conversion
- If there is no solution, you can open a support case and provide us with the log. Then we can analyze that
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