If you're running into a DCD issue, you can follow these steps to get a better overview of that issue.
General debug options
Increase the log level
Follow that manual to increase the log level of the DCD: How to collect troubleshooting data for various issue types#DCD
Manual execution
As described in Solution, you can grab the URLs and try them inside a script or via the browser, e.g.:
Since check 2.1, the DCD uses the REST API. Checkmk 1.6 is using the WEB-API to create a host (https://docs.checkmk.com/latest/en/web_api_references.html)
2022-05-13 13:37:35,970 [10] [cmk.dcd.web_api] > [GET] http://localhost:5005/mysite/check_mk/api/1.0/domain-types/host_config/collections/all
2022-05-13 13:38:28,917 [10] [cmk.dcd.web_api] > [POST] http://localhost:5005/mysite/check_mk/api/1.0/domain-types/host_config/actions/bulk-create/invoke ((), {'data': None, 'json': {'ent ries': [{'host_name': 'aws', 'folder': '/', 'attributes': {'locked_by': {'site_id': 'mysite', 'program_id': 'dcd', 'instance_id': 'connection_1'}, 'locked_attributes': ['cb', 'labels', 's ite', 'tag_address_family', 'tag_agent'], 'site': 'mysite', 'labels': {'ds': 'pgb'}, 'tag_address_family': 'no-ip', 'tag_agent': 'no-agent', 'cb': 'hh'}}]}, 'params': {'bake_agent': 'fals e'}})
2022-05-13 13:38:28,917 [10] [cmk.dcd.web_api] > [POST] http://localhost:5005/mysite/check_mk/api/1.0/domain-types/host_config/actions/bulk-create/invoke ((), {'data': None, 'json': {'ent ries': [{'host_name': 'aws', 'folder': '/', 'attributes': {'locked_by': {'site_id': 'mysite', 'program_id': 'dcd', 'instance_id': 'connection_1'}, 'locked_attributes': ['cb', 'labels', 's ite', 'tag_address_family', 'tag_agent'], 'site': 'mysite', 'labels': {'ds': 'pgb'}, 'tag_address_family': 'no-ip', 'tag_agent': 'no-agent', 'cb': 'hh'}}]}, 'params': {'bake_agent': 'fals e'}})
Internal Server Error
When running the DCD, you may face the following issue:
Grab the URL and paste it into the browser.
In that case, custom attributes were used, which caused trouble. In this specific case, the wato plugin "wato_geo_fields.py" from the Checkmk treasures was used.
A workaround would be to remove all custom values and run the DCD again. This issue is already reported internally.
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