Checkmk 2.2 and Grafana
Checkmk 2.1 uses Web API, while version 2.2 and above uses REST API. Upgrading to version 2.2+ and using data source v2.0.3 may cause issues.
If you're using Checkmk version 2.1, use data source release v2.0.3.
To avoid this, upgrade the data source to v3.0.0.
Data sources can be downloaded from: Grafana Checkmk Data sources
Getting Started
Background information regarding this subject is available in our Official documentation
Web vs. Rest API
Checkmk version 2.1 and below use the Web API while 2.2 and greater uses REST API.
Checkmk Version | Data Source Version | Web or Rest API |
2.0.0p* | 2.0. beta3 | Web API |
2.1.0p* | 2.0.3 | Web API |
2.2.0p* | 3.0.0 | REST API |
You can verify which API Checkmk uses by going to Setup → Global Setting -> and searching for API at the top.
Web API Testing (checkmk 2.0 & 2.1)
If testing the Web API via Grafana is needed, you first want to open the Network Analyze with your internet browser. We can test the Web API using Curl, but we must form the API request first.
Start the Network Monitor
- Ctrl + Shift + I
- For Firefox, follow this manual: Firefox Network monitor
- For Google Chrome, follow this manual: Chrome development tools
After you open the Network Analyzer tool, you will want to:
- Click Network within the top bar
. - Click Save & Test on the Grafana Data Source page
. - Select response on the left sidebar of the Inspector page
. - Click Headers on the response bar
. - Copy the Request URL line to your text editor so adjustments can be made. Copy everything from HTTP:// through
- i.e., "http://localhost:3000/api/datasources/proxy/uid/BZ7iqAa4z/cmk/check_mk/"
- This provides us with the Unique ID "BZ7iqAa4z" which will differ on every installation.
To create your API request, you will need several pieces of information that will be required.
Grafana Username & Password
- URL Copied from Internet Inspector
- Checkmk Automation User & Password
- API commands for the information that you are trying to query
In the following example, we will request an API to list all known hosts currently added to our Checkmk instance.
bash-5.1# curl "http://grafanaUsername:grafanaPassword@localhost:3000/api/datasources/proxy/uid/BZ7iqAa4z/cmk/check_mk/" {"result_code": 0, "result": ["", "", "", ""]}
To break this command down, we used the following:
- Grafana Username & Password
. - URL Copied from Internet Inspector
. - API Action or Command
. - Checkmk Username & Password
. - API Output (Python or JSON)
Visual understanding of the above API command:
REST API Testing (checkmk 2.2 & above)
If testing the Web API via Grafana is needed, you first want to open the Network Analyze with your internet browser. We can test the Web API using Curl, but we must create the API request first.
Start the Network Monitor
- Ctrl + Shift + I
- For Firefox, follow this manual: Firefox Network monitor
- For Google Chrome, follow this manual: Chrome development tools
After you open the Network Analyzer tool, you will want to:
- Click Network within the top bar
. - Click Save & Test on the Grafana Data Source page
. - Select response on the left sidebar of the Inspector page
. - Click Headers on the response bar
- Copy the Request URL line to your text editor so adjustments can be made. Copy everything from HTTP:// through /1.0/
- i.e., "http://localhost:3000/api/datasources/proxy/uid/BZ7iqAa4z/rest/check_mk/api/1.0/"
- This provides us with the Unique ID "BZ7iqAa4z" which will differ on every installation.
To form your API request, you will need several pieces of information that will be required.
- Grafana Username & Password
- URL Copied from Internet Inspector
- Checkmk Automation User & Password
- API commands for the information that you are trying to query
In the following example, we will request an API to list all known hosts currently added to our Checkmk instance.
bash-5.1# curl -X 'GET' 'http://grafanaUsername:grafanaPassword@localhost:3000/api/datasources/proxy/uid/BZ7iqAa4z/rest/check_mk/api/1.0/domain-types/host_config/collections/all?effective_attributes=false' -H 'accept: application/json' { "links": [ { "domainType": "link", "rel": "self", "href": "http://localhost/sitename/check_mk/api/1.0/domain-types/host_config/collections/all", "method": "GET", "type": "application/json" } ], "id": "host", "domainType": "host_config", "value": [ { "links": [ { "domainType": "link", "rel": "self", "href": "http://localhost/sitename/check_mk/api/1.0/objects/host_config/host001_domain", "method": "GET", "type": "application/json" }, ...full response truncated
To break this command down, we used the following:
- Grafana Username & Password
. - URL Copied from Internet Inspector
. - API Action or Command
. - API Output
-H 'accept: application/json'
A handy resource can be found within the help documentation on your Checkmk 2.2+ site
Visual understanding of the above API command:
Checkmk 2.1 using Data Source v2.0.3
With this example, you can see that the Data Source is saved and is working.
Checkmk 2.1 using Data Source v3.0.0
Fortunately, data source v3.0.0 is backward compatible with Checkmk 2.1. To use it, when configuring Checkmk in Grafana, change the version from ">= 2.2" to "< 2.2". See the example below:
Checkmk 2.2 using Data Source v2.0.3 (not supported)
Using this combination produces a "Could not read API response" error.
Checkmk 2.2 using Data Source v3.0.0 (recommended)
Recommended configuration for Checkmk 2.2.
SSL Configuration and Testing
During the configuration process, you may encounter errors related to a Bad Gateway. SSL issues between Checkmk and Grafana typically cause this. To prevent this, verifying that SSL communication is functioning correctly between the two sites is recommended.
Curl can be used to help troubleshoot SSL issues. If SSL works correctly, Curl should respond like the one below. This should be run on the Grafana server that you're using.
bash-5.1# curl https://localhost/checkmksite/ <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"> <html><head> <title>302 Found</title> </head><body> <h1>Found</h1> <p>The document has moved <a href="">here</a>.</p> </body></html>
An unsuccessful attempt may look like the following:
bash-5.1# curl https://localhost/checkmksite/ curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain More details here: curl failed to verify the legitimacy of the server and therefore could not establish a secure connection to it. To learn more about this situation and how to fix it, please visit the web page mentioned above.
If you are using a Self Signed Certificate for your Checkmk server and receive an error of "Could not read API response" like the below:
You may need to copy your self-signed .crt file to /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ and run update-ca-certificates on the Grafana server.
If you have no SSL certificates installed, you will want to review the Securing the Web interface with HTTPS document to create and install your certificates.
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