Troubleshooting Microsoft Azure - "Graph client: Insufficient privileges to complete the operation" error

This article explains what to do if you encounter "Graph client: Insufficient privileges to complete the operation." while connecting to Azure.

Table of Contents

Step-by-step guide

If you see the error message "Graph client: Insufficient privileges to complete the operation." when connecting to Azure, do the following:

  1. Open the Azure Portal

  2. Click Azure Active Directory 
    Screenshot of Azure services. Azure Active Directory highlighted.

  3. Click App registrations in the left bar
    Screenshot of the Azure Active Directory sidebar. App registrations is highlighted.

  4. Click the app you registered for Checkmk

  5. Click API permissions in the left bar
    Screenshot of the Monitoring sidebar. API permissions highlighted.

  6. Click Add Permissions and add a permissions for Microsoft Graph

Screenshot of the API permissions screen. Directory.Read.All and User.Read.All listed.

Full list of access rights needed:

These are the metrics we get via the Azure agents

Resource URIMetric name