Debug predictive monitoring

Debug predictive monitoring

In this manual, we will show you how to debug predictive monitoring and show you some common issues!


Table of Contents


Before we start debugging the predictive monitoring, we need to increase the log level of Livestatus to debug as described here: How to collect troubleshooting data for various issue types#Core

Let's find all the predictive metrics via Livestatus:

OMD[mysite]:~$ lq "GET services\nColumns: host_name description metrics\nFilter: metrics ~ predict\nFilter: host_name ~ localhost|Windows"
localhost;CPU load;predict_load15,load15,load5,load1
localhost;CPU utilization;predict_util,util,wait,system,user


The predictive metrics in my example are:



Now let's grep for the livestatus queries. In this example, I want to check the "predict_load15":

OMD[mysite]:~$ tail -f ~/var/log/cmc.log |grep "predict_load15"
2021-12-15 16:02:07 [6] [client 1] request: GET services\nColumns: rrddata:predict_load15:predict_load15.max:1639566126.581912:1639580526.581912:20\nFilter: host_name = localhost\nFilter: service_description = CPU load\nLocaltime: 1639580527\nOutputFormat: python3\nKeepAlive: on\nResponseHeader: fixed16\nColumnHeaders: off
2021-12-15 16:02:07 [6] [client 1] request: GET services\nColumns: rrddata:predict_load15:predict_load15.max:1639566127:1639580527:162\nFilter: host_name = localhost\nFilter: service_description = CPU load\nLocaltime: 1639580527\nOutputFormat: python3\nKeepAlive: on\nResponseHeader: fixed16\nColumnHeaders: off
2021-12-15 16:02:07 [6] [client 1] request: GET services\nColumns: rrddata:predict_load15:predict_load15.max:1639490527:1639580527:1022\nFilter: host_name = localhost\nFilter: service_description = CPU load\nLocaltime: 1639580527\nOutputFormat: python3\nKeepAlive: on\nResponseHeader: fixed16\nColumnHeaders: off
2021-12-15 16:02:07 [6] [client 1] request: GET services\nColumns: rrddata:predict_load15:predict_load15.max:1638889327:1639580527:7854\nFilter: host_name = localhost\nFilter: service_description = CPU load\nLocaltime: 1639580527\nOutputFormat: python3\nKeepAlive: on\nResponseHeader: fixed16\nColumnHeaders: off
2021-12-15 16:02:07 [6] [client 1] request: GET services\nColumns: rrddata:predict_load15:predict_load15.max:1636556527:1639580527:34362\nFilter: host_name = localhost\nFilter: service_description = CPU load\nLocaltime: 1639580527\nOutputFormat: python3\nKeepAlive: on\nResponseHeader: fixed16\nColumnHeaders: off
2021-12-15 16:02:07 [6] [client 1] request: GET services\nColumns: rrddata:predict_load15:predict_load15.max:1605020527:1639580527:392726\nFilter: host_name = localhost\nFilter: service_description = CPU load\nLocaltime: 1639580527\nOutputFormat: python3\nKeepAlive: on\nResponseHeader: fixed16\nColumnHeaders: off

OMD[mysite]:~$ date -d@1639566126.581912
Wed Dec 15 12:02:06 CET 2021
OMD[mysite]:~$ date -d@1639566127
Wed Dec 15 12:02:07 CET 2021
OMD[mysite]:~$ date -d@1639490527
Tue Dec 14 15:02:07 CET 2021
OMD[mysite]:~$ date -d@1638889327
Tue Dec  7 16:02:07 CET 2021
OMD[mysite]:~$ date -d@1636556527
Wed Nov 10 16:02:07 CET 2021
OMD[mysite]:~$ date -d@1605020527
Tue Nov 10 16:02:07 CET 2020
OMD[mysite]:~$ date -d@1639580527
Wed Dec 15 16:02:07 CET 2021
OMD[mysite]:~$ date -d@1639580526.581912
Wed Dec 15 16:02:06 CET 2021


I receive one query for every entry of the prediction:

Screenshot of monitoring Prediction for a site. Show prediction for Wednesday is selected.

.Let's execute one query to check the result:

OMD[mysite]:~/share/check_mk/checks$ lq "GET services\nColumns: rrddata:predict_load15:predict_load15.max:1639566126.581912:1639580526.581912:20\nFilter: host_name = localhost\nFilter: service_description = CPU load\nLocaltime: 1639580527\nOutputFormat: python3\nKeepAlive: on\nResponseHeader: fixed16\nColumnHeaders: off"
200        1930


Last but not least, please check this directory:



The prediction will create for every Host and Service a directory with the metrics as a subdirectory:

➜  prediction ls Windows/Memory/*
everyhour  everyhour.info

everyhour  everyhour.info

So the prediction for this should work!

Common issues

Predictive monitoring in a distributed setup

At the moment, predictive monitoring is only on a local site possible. In a distributed setup, you will receive this message on the central node. 

This is due to the missing file inside ./var/check_mk/prediction/.

We are evaluating implementing this in feature future Checkmk releases!

Screenshot of an error stating There is currently no prediction information available for this service.

Error: There is currently no prediction information available for this service.

No reference for prediction yet

Checkmk will show a prediction if he has enough history data. In case you don't have enough data, you can configure a shorter time horizon!

Crash report on prediction icon

Screenshot of An internal error occurred while processing your request. You can report this issue to the Checkmk team to help fixing this issue. Please open the crash report page and use the form for reporting the problem.

Internal error: ’>’ not supported between instances of ‘NoneType’ and ‘NoneType’

An internal error occurred while processing your request. You can report this issue to the Checkmk team to help fixing this issue. Please open the crash report page and use the form for reporting the problem.

This is because of missing performance data in the past. Checkmk can't interpret these "None" values!

OMD[mysite]:~/share/check_mk/checks$ lq "GET services\nColumns: rrddata:predict_load15:predict_load15.max:1605020527:1639580527:392726\nFilter: host_name = localhost\nFilter: service_description = CPU load\nLocaltime: 1639580527\nOutputFormat: python3\nKeepAlive: on\nResponseHeader: fixed16\nColumnHeaders: off"
200         470

We will fix this in future Checkmk Releases!

Files and directories

This is the code for the prediction. Please don't do any changes inside these files

OMD[mysite]~# ~/lib/python3/cmk/base/check_api.py
OMD[mysite]~# ~/lib/python3/cmk/gui/prediction.py  
OMD[mysite]~# ~/lib/python3/cmk/base/prediction.py