Checkmk Knowledge Base
Checkmk Knowledge Base
Checkmk Knowledge Base
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Troubleshooting articles
Agent Updater
Checkmk running in Docker times out while activating changes
Common log messages from Checkmk
Debug DCD issues
Debug false POE SNMP values result in excessive usage percentage
Debug invalid configuration variable df_use_fs_used_as_metric_name error
Debug issues with inventory data disappearing/reappearing on a regular basis
Debug predictive monitoring
Debug Smart Ping
LDAPS certificate Issues
Troubleshooting 110 second timeouts and high memory consumption by apache
Troubleshooting Apache service not starting
Troubleshooting the agent controller
Troubleshooting binding service 'already in use' error in docker
Troubleshooting - Cannot activate changes. Another activation process is currently in progress or locked
Troubleshooting Checkmk agent systemd service repeatedly failing on CentOS 7
Troubleshooting "Cannot connect to remote site: Authentication to web service" in WATO - Distributed Monitoring
Troubleshooting CVE-Check CVE-2021-44228 Log4j is crashing on Windows
Troubleshooting DCD - snmp_v3_credentials unknown field error
Troubleshooting Error creating configuration: 'cmk.influxdb' during Update 2.2.0 : KeyError: 'cmk.influxdb'
Troubleshooting error running automation call restart
Troubleshooting error sequence item 0 expected str instance bytes found
Troubleshooting Exception: Error running automation call bake-agents (exit code 1) while baking agents
Troubleshooting "Failed to start minibox thread" error
Troubleshooting failing changes because of http/https proxies between the central and remote site
Troubleshooting high CPU usage of the Checkmk micro core (cmc)
Troubleshooting if hosts vanish during a vCenter update
Troubleshooting incorrect characters displaying in graphs (SUSE only)
Troubleshooting "incompatible user IDs have been found" error
Troubleshooting "invalid checker timestamp" (1970) error
Troubleshooting "KeyError: APACHE_TCP_PORT" error
Troubleshooting "KeyError - cmk mkeventd EventServer"
Troubleshooting lack of Prometheus data after updating OpenShift 4.16 and above
Troubleshooting LDAP issues
Troubleshooting long-running Windows agent
Troubleshooting missing messages in Event Console
Troubleshooting mkeventd - Integer overflow while parsing TimeTicks in SNMP trap
Troubleshooting "no space left on device" or filesystem full errors
Troubleshooting Oracle / mk_oracle for Windows and Linux
Troubleshooting overlapping clusters: "Empty output from agent at" error
Troubleshooting pending changes error
Troubleshooting Python 3 / SSL issue on Windows after Checkmk upgrade to 2.3
Troubleshooting Robotmk Client side
Troubleshooting SNMP Trap UTF-String conversion problems in Event Console
Troubleshooting “source code string cannot contain null bytes” during activate changes
Troubleshooting “source code string cannot contain null bytes” - Notification configuration
Troubleshooting "undefined symbol EVP_KDF_CTX_free" error
Troubleshooting unexpected keyword argument 'logged_out'“ error
Troubleshooting "unknown capability to add: CAP_CAP_SYS_PTRACE" error
Troubleshooting when fetcher for host HOST times out after X seconds
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Checkmk Knowledge Base
Troubleshooting "KeyError: APACHE_TCP_PORT" error
Troubleshooting "KeyError: APACHE_TCP_PORT" error
Anastasios Thomaidis
Matthew Hierholzer
Owned by
Anastasios Thomaidis
Last updated:
Dec 11, 2024
Matthew Hierholzer
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