Contact groups in distributed monitoring

Contact groups in distributed monitoring

In a distributed setup, you can use the contact groups from the remote site to see only certain things provided by this contact group on the central viewer site. 


Table of Contents

You can ignore this how-to if you have a distributed setup where you enable WATO and manage the contact groups central.

Getting Started

Background information regarding this subject is available on our:

Step-by-step guide

  1. Config on the remote site

    1. Create a contact group on the remote site. 

      SetupUsersContact GroupsAdd Group
      Screenshot of contract groups. One listed as group01 with cmkadmin as a member.


    2. Assign hosts and services to this contact group.

      For Hosts

      Setup HostsHost monitoring RulesAssignment of hosts to contact groupsAdd rule
      Sreenshot of assignement of hosts to contact groups. Conditions listed as host name is mysite01.

      For Services

      SetupServicesService monitoring rulesAssignment of services to contact groupsAdd rule


    3. Assign the contact group to the user.

      Setup Users Edit User
      Sreenshot of edit user cmkadmin. Contact group 01 enabled within contact groups.


  2. Config on the central site

    1. Setup UsersEdit User

      Sreenshot of edit user cmkadmin. Visibility of host set to only show hosts and services the user is a contact for.

    2. If you now log in to the central viewer site, you will only see the hosts/services you're a member of.

      Sreenshot of edit user cmkadmin. Visibility of host set to only show hosts and services the user is a contact for.