Troubleshooting Livestatus connection in state Unknown

Troubleshooting Livestatus connection in state Unknown

This article explains how to troubleshoot if Livestatus goes into an 'unknown' state.


Table of Contents


If you connect a remote site in a distributed setup, it may show you the state "Unknown"

Screenshot of the Distributed Monitoring page with the remote site in an Unknown state.


Please check if the currently logged-in user is authorized for this site

  1. Setup → Users → <USERNAME> → Edit user → Authorized sites
    Screenshot of editing a user called myuser.
    The user is not authorized for this site.

  2. Please select this site, save, and activate the changes.
    Screenshot the myuser user. Both central and remote are selected for Authorized sites.

  3. Now you should be able to see the right state of the remote site
    Screenshot of the Distributed Monitoring page with the remote site now in an online state.