Information about Maintenance Windows for Checkmk Cloud (SaaS)

Information about Maintenance Windows for Checkmk Cloud (SaaS)

Daily Maintenance Window

To ensure your Checkmk site remains up-to-date, secure, and reliable, we have a scheduled daily maintenance window from 3:00 AM to 5:00 AM (UTC).
During the daily maintenance window, your site will experience a downtime while the maintenance is performed. We aim to keep this downtime below 10 minutes. During this time, sites will be queued for updates, which include updates to the operating system underlying the image used for these sites. Thank you for your understanding as we work to provide a safe and efficient service.

Status Page & Planned Maintenance Windows

A maintenance window is a scheduled period during which we perform updates, upgrades, or critical fixes to ensure the stability, security, and performance of our SaaS platform.

All updates related to planned and emergency maintenance can be found on Status.checkmk.cloud, our central resource for:

  • Past incidents and outages;
  • Current system status of Checkmk Cloud;
  • Planned maintenance (e.g., following major releases);
  • Emergency maintenance (e.g., addressing vulnerabilities that require immediate attention to protect platform security).

Subscribe on Status.checkmk.cloud to receive email notifications about upcoming downtime and system updates. You can unsubscribe anytime via the unsubscribe button below each email notification. 

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