Rights and Roles in the customer portal

This article describes the different user rights and roles within the customer portal.

Table of Contents


User management in the customer portal is defined in two dimensions:

  • Roles
    Permission to manage users in the customer portal and access to commercial information
    • Super User
    • Admin
    • User

  • Rights
    Permission to get access to purchased products and services
    • Download & License Checkmk
    • Request Support

Possible combinationsDownload & License CheckmkRequest Support
Super User(tick)(tick)

Roles and Rights can be combined as desired


Hierarchy of Roles

There are three different user roles that follow a hierarchy. Each Role has its specific permissions.

Super User

Super users are the users with the most permissions

Assign Roles

Dialog box with roles choices of user and admin.

 Super users can create and edit other users and assign them the Role 'Admin' and 'User' 

Assign Rights

Has two checkboxes. One is to Download and license Checkmk. The other is a checkbox to request support.

Super users can assign Rights to other users when creating or editing them

Access documents

Shows what is available within the Docuements section. This includes Quotations, Sales orders, purchase orders, invoices and bills, projects, tasks, timesheets, subscriptions and finally users.

All documents on the customer portal are accessible


  • A company can only have one super user
  • A super user can only be changed by Checkmk on request


Admins are the users with the second most permissions

Assign Roles

Add user dialog box.

Admins can create and edit other users and assign them the Role of 'User' 

Assign Rights

Add user dialog box.

 Admins can assign Rights to other users when creating or editing them

Access documents

Shows what is available within the Docuements section. This includes Quotations, Sales orders, purchase orders, invoices and bills, projects, tasks, timesheets, subscriptions and finally users.

All customer portal menu points are accessible 


  • A company can have multiple admins
  • The super user can change an admin


User is a user with the least permissions

Access documents

 Documents page highlighting the Subscriptions section.

The only documents available in the customer portal are My Licenses which subscriptions can then be viewed.

  • As such, users cannot create or edit any other users or assign "Roles"
  • As such, users cannot assign Rights
  • As such, users cannot access other documents


  • A user can be changed by the super user or an admin
  • A company can have multiple users


In parallel to a Role, users can have multiple Rights. The access rights depend on the subscription.  

Download & License Checkmk


This Right enables the User:

  • to download Checkmk
  • to manage Licensing Credentials


This Right is visible to all customers

Request Support


This Right enables the User:


This Right is only visible to customers who have Support along with their Software subscription.

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